Afmælið: Workshop með FlowTV

  • 11.2.2023, 10:00 - 14:00, Félag heyrnarlausra, 2500

Tími og staðsetning: 10:00-14:00 í salnum Félags heyrnarlausra að Þverholti 14.

Verð: 2.500 kr. Með léttum veitingum frá Deig hjá LeKock

Fjöldi gesta: 20 þátttakendur

Skráningarfrestur: 6. febrúar 2023

Hver er FlowTV? Endilega skoðið!


4 hours long workshop, I'll teach the participants how to make a funny video. First a lecture about it and then then participants will have 3 hours to make a funny video with my help. If there's many people, they will be shared in smaller groups and then show each other the result.


Six years ago I created FlowTV for fun, a lot has happened since it and now I'm working with my own company full time. The journey hasn't been easy, it have been filled with death threats, it also had affected my mental health and my private life. I'll also tell more about the humor itself and what deaf humor really is. Two hours with questions.